
1. Getting Started

Here, you will find all the information you need to take your first steps into our long-term archiving infrastructure at Heidelberg University. This chapter focuses on providing you with a comprehensive overview of the system's structure, how to utilize this structure according to your specific use case, and the crucial roles that come into play in this context.


The structure of heiARCHIVE forms a solid foundation upon which the entire archiving system is built. Understanding this structure is key to effectively harnessing the system's various functionalities and capabilities. Whether you are a researcher, lecturer, librarian, or student, familiarizing yourself with the structure will enable you to make the most out of heiARCHIVE and ensure the long-term preservation of your valuable data.

This chapter will guide you through the different elements of the heiARCHIVE structure and demonstrate how you can best utilize them based on your specific use case. You will learn how to efficiently organize and manage your data, add metadata, and ensure that your data remains accessible and preserved in the long run.

Additionally, we will explore the various roles that play a vital function in the context of heiARCHIVE. From administrators who manage and configure the system to curators who ensure the quality and integrity of archived content, and users who access and utilize the data, we will delve into the diverse responsibilities and opportunities available.

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